Profitable Growth
Strategy Development
Profitable Growth

US M&A Project – on behalf of one of our Latin American retailer clients, tmg provided USA market entry strategy and entry prioritization criteria/guidance; identified optimal SMA targets/retailers; collaborated with a leading investment bank, leading to a successful acquisition of a USA-based retailer of @ 350 fuel/convenience sties for a total value exceeding $500M.
Diagnostic and Path Forward Evaluation – many of our new clients prefer this option to better understand tmg before committing to a retainer relationship. Typically we send in an executive team of two for several days to 1-2 markets to make an initial evaluation; identify areas of opportunity and prescribe a path forward.
Latin American M&A Project – on behalf of our fuel/convenience retailer client, tmg worked in close collaboration & cooperation with a global investment bank to provide subject matter expertise, due diligence, valuation advice and research which ultimately resulted in a successful acquisition of a regional energy/convenience business with over 1,000 retail sites in five countries.
Pacesetter Brand Market Entry & Site Selection Project – ongoing advisory for top tier, USA new era, fuel & convenience retailer. This project is a multi-year advisory with extensive investment advice which has resulted in a successful new market launch for one of the revered brands in this channel. tmg’s best in class data base and research includes: multi-year trending by Metro area (MSA) of fuel volume, margin, market share, site ownership and overall brand performance based on profit per site. These analyses, couple with our customized Market Fundamentals index, provides a predictive model by trade area which aids in the decision making process for which MSAs, and trade areas to build and/or redevelop stores. This client has characterized this service as ‘invaluable’ in their ultimate network strategy development.
"TMG provided our company with expertise and analysis of the American retail market which we have found useful as we developed our plans. TMG consultants have a deep understanding of the American market dynamics and fundamentals which ultimately enhance our decision making. They managed the project within the timeline and budget both consistently and professionally. We consider TMG to be a worthy consultant company!"
Ana Cláudia Chopard Bonilauri, Gerente Setorial de Distribuição/ Retail Marketing Manager, Desenvolvimento de Negócios Internacionais/ International Business Development, PetroBras
